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He Shall Feed His Flock Isaiah 4011 Hi Res


He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11

I knew I had read that verse before, as it was underlined in my childhood Bible. But now that I was a new mom, the words leapt off the page at me. What amazing comfort I felt knowing that God gently gathers me in His strong arms, carries me close to His own heart as I cared for my nursing baby.

As a new mom, I had felt so insecure wondering what on earth I was doing caring for this helpless little child in the "unknown," as there is no real training for what was to come. This verse encouraged me and gave me hope that God himself would lead me in this new journey I was on.

One interesting thing about this passage is if you read the context {as I hope you would}, in verse 10 it describes God coming with power and His might arm and then look, that same strong arm is used to gently swoop us up and carry us so tenderly.


Fast forward about 6 years to me searching for a local sheep farm to photograph Psalm 23. My 3 children and I were ecstatic to go to Farmer Sandy's the week before Easter and see her new, precious lambs. They were between 2 weeks and several days old and seriously looked like stuffed animals walking around.

She led us into the barn where the animals are kept warm in their pens. Those mama sheep saw me, a total stranger, and immediately started guarding their babies and bleating at me. I could not get any good photos as they were blocking my main subject! It was astounding to be in that barn, seeing those sheep nervously protecting their young and watching as they soften when they hear Farmer Sandy's voice enter in. The sheer sound of her voice put them at ease. They knew they were safe. They even allowed me into the stall and I chose to focus on Ruth and her baby.

After I created my art with their photo, Farmer Sandy had a whole other story to tell me. It turns out the mama sheep, Ruth, had hemorrhaged during birth and a few days after our visit, she died. The baby lamb, so helpless and weak, was left to be cared for by Farmer Sandy herself, as she gently held that lamb and fed her for weeks with a baby bottle.

In so many ways, Farmer Sandy has given me a picture of how God is our good shepherd. Her sheep know her voice. She gently cares for the young. She protects and guides them. She nourishes them. I am forever grateful for these "real" life lessons of God's Word coming to life before my eyes.


Today I would love to share this art with you! Please enter to win an 11×14 gallery wrap canvas by leaving a comment on how you have seen God as your good shepherd. Winner will be chosen by random drawing on 2/26 at midnight.

For the next 2 days, I am also offering a BUY ON GET ONE FREE* 8×10 sale in my shop + FREE SHIPPING just for you!

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Grace & Peace,


*Free prints are not able to be any of my custom art: standard and personalized prints only.

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